Hi David... I love your work. I wanted to mention to you and all the academics/doctors etc. out there... They might check out iEEE organization for what these creepy electrical looking components actually are... that these evil globalists want in every human body... in order to track, trace and eventually cull/kill. iEEE is big time into cybernetics... crossing human and machine. WE ALL MUST LOOK AT iEEE for the ANSWERS ... before they kill us all. Here is a link to Wikipedia about them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_Systems,_Man,_and_Cybernetics_Society
Its not just about crossing humans with machines.... There is a lot more to it... mostly in fact concerned with using us all to make money & constant revenue for those in power...
A lot of it is connected to voyeuristic sex & torture websites. Police , military & intel services are running these sites & the frequency towers that are controlling all the bio tech.
Cybernetics is NOT the main reason all this is going on, & Its NOT a new thing either... there is at least a 4 decade history behind this frequency bio tech connection.
Will, could you please post your magnification levels and other relevant parameters (e.g., dark field, relevant slide preparation conditions, solutions added)?
I may have to post a note with some descriptions of all that. Most of these images will have been between 200-400x w/ some digital zoom used. I used an improvised DF filter.
For slide prep I affixed the nasal swab stem to one end of the slide and saturated the head with the provided reagent. I then twisted the stem to roll the swab across the slide in a windshield wiper motion.
Wow is right. Anyone interested in more about what they're doing to us (and actually have been doing starting decades ago) check out "Psinergy" on Odyssey, Sabrina Wallace. Expect to have your mind blown about the level of knowledge and proof with patents and or print outs straight from the manufacturer's/government/university who have and are creating/testing etc.
You'll find the
"Wireless Body Area" Network 802.15.4 (can't remember all the different numbers)
How they're using light (think those "purple/uv street lights they so quickly put up all over the world during the curfews during lockdowns along with more cameras). They have ability to affect the brain with light.
ie: mice have been "injected" with something and if they put a uv light on the bottom of their cage near their paw, the mouse moves like it hurts. The scientists actually laugh like it's so cool to control something with their stupid evil science.
There's so much more about the exact details of what they're doing with our biofields, the cloud (borg), uv, emf, 5g, 6g, wifi can see us in our own homes, on and on and on.
They plan on using the electricity our bodies produce.
You can't make this stuff up. It's a mind jogger at first but we ALL NEED TO KNOW and anyone with science, math, biology etc training or skills could help how to fight this massive evil plan to enslave all humanity.
Just found a piece of info makes sense re these people's frame of mind. Freemasons/Luciferians are taking cues from Mesopotamia/Babylon, they believe they're "gods" (small g) but want to be GOD. They believe humans should be their "slaves". Explains a ton.
Anyway please take a look at both:
"Psinergy" on Odyssey.
Sabrina Wallace will sometimes speak "salty" but she's pissed off about all these people who are and have been doing these jobs to enslave and harm others for years and haven't said a word to warn people.
Both these people work tirelessly to get these truths out that most people are afraid to even consider. Time is almost up and people better wake up and share share share.
She has PDFs she's made with all the references you can check for yourselves.
And "Antivaxxer420" on Rumble.
He posts her stuff and a ton of his own
They're both invaluable just as David Nixon and this gentleman is.
Thank you so much for bringing this all to light and not quitting.
If this gets out and becomes mainstream, they're going to start tearing down the infrastructure. They have already tore done 98% of the ULEZ camera's in the UK. The news stations in the EU stopped reporting on the cell towers after the 80th one was burned down. No infrastructure, no control.
So sorry about that, my memory. The correct accountbis: nonvaxer420. He's a guy from Canada. He's been on top of everything last few years as well. Let me know if any problem but this is correct name now.
Thankfully I’ve never had one of these tests done. I knew better! I don’t trust known liars! But I also know no one escapes this bull shit. They’ve contaminated us all. And have been via geoengineering.. aka.. chemtrails.
Yes. We watched our skies literally pristine blue being crossed hatched like a checkerboard yesterday, then the trails dispersed into a foggy spread over us, grayish in color spreading out like a blanket with no more blue sky. sickening IMO.
Very different crystalin inner structures… so neatly described by the scientific poet I see in you!
GeoengineeringWatch.com have taken samples from soils, snow, air and rain water. Spectrography analysis have shown all were contaminated with +1,500 aluminium above level of toxicity, +300 strontium and other rare minerals that shouldn't be there. I’m eager to see what else you’ll find. :)
Late Ukichiro Nakaya was a Japanese physicist and science essayist has created the first exhaustive snowflakes hand drawn repertoire, while exiled on a distant island for his dissident views. Each nucleus seed, according to humidity and temperature, resulted in the many different snowflakes crystals structure. Some are among the rarest I’ve ever observed.
Inuits’ vocabulary commonly uses 28 words to describe snowflakes. Ten years ago, a cool crazy and passionate scientist has discovered a 29th with the help of his freezing room temp. microscope.
“Attach your wool cap with a metal wire!”, as we use to say here, and have a nice trip!
lucky ducks ! i'm jealous of your coldness. Down under we're just started official summer massive thunderstorms, over 44C's already eastern states, high winds, flooding and bushfire risk all at same time. We have one of those heavy-bellied water bomber planes parked here ready for action. I love the cold .
Yeah! Even ducks and most of the other birds flee and migrate down South. The rich elders, nicknamed the Snowbirds, land too in Florida from November to July.
Winter kills or freezes every eight kinds of bugs… for a while, before they take their revenge from April to September. So many of these hungry flesh eating and blood suckers.
Do not envy our today’s -17° C and its wind factor at -27° C! Winter is just beginning. But, at least, when it gets warmer (i.e. somewhere between March and June) we’re able to peel off our multilayered winter clothes while you can’t remove the bare minimum. :)
Canada had its usual summer forest fires (18 millions hectares of forests burnt in 2023), although this year they had unusual geometrical patterns and intensity. Québec Province had its 14 Canso water bombers working full time, planning to acquire a few more next year. I suspect they are and will be burning the forests for either a land grab operation, as they did in Alberta, or to prevent people from hiding there.
Anyway, according to climate change warming, we should soon be growing pineapples in Nunavut… I hate the cold!
Hi Danyele...love all the nature stuff you know !...I think I've been at -12degrees as the lowest I've gone...in the Mojave desert of US winter. That'd be a heatwave in your temps.
Yeah I watched aerial footage of those deliberately set-off forest fires right across Canada....Shocking ! I can't stand to see our nature brutalised too. Gotta go now...see you soon D and W
Thank you! I’m just curious and read about many subjects.
You are correct, -10° C is a mild temperature for our winters. About five years ago, weather forecasts have added the crucial wind factor, which can considerably lower the temp. felt. It’s rainy today...
Whatever the climato-anxious and govts may say to pocket carbon taxes, northern forests have always burned at a great extent every summer. Dying dry trees due to insects infestations, lightenings, and the huge thick light green moss carpets (close to no bushes up North) become small firewood easily inflammable. Lots of much needed free fried food for birds and scavengers. :)
iEEE is a group of mad scientists who engineered this crap found in human blood, drugs, food, water. They are big time into CYBERNETICS = Crossing humans with machines connectable to the internet = Human Cyborgs = for tracking, tracing, IDing, harvesting electricity from the human body = eventually for culling/killing. The Globalist want 90% of humanity dead by 2030. Research iEEE Cybernetics division. They are multifaceted... over 400,000 members and divisions.
So clear and expressive in its horror! To think those undoubtedly receivers are in our veins by now, what an idea these people have h ad. So outworldlish and evil and stunning ... I hate to admit, t hose photos are just beautiful.
In particular, the structure that looks like a submarine is very similar to one of the structures that was found by Austrian and German doctors and pathologists in the C19 "vaccines". They presented their results to the public at a press conference in September 2021 under the name Pathology Conference.
OMG..."Insidious Elegance" is the best description of what is being found yet read or heard. As long as there's an equal level of repugnance...Fascination is fine. Constantly fascinated by what you fine folks are discovering...And, utterly revolted; emotionally, at the 'Existinction Level Threat' to all organic structures, mediums for support of organic life and beings.
Been watching Sabrina Wallace; intellectual brilliance unsurpassed in this domaine encompassing many disciplines. She's made the sciences united in this 'Extinction Level Event' very clear for so many and more are finding her Outlet. My son was an engineer and did much research in this area before quitting 10 years ago. He's long warned about what the Godless were attempting; but felt the general public wouldn't comprehend the overwhelming threat. He now watches Sabrina and has brought all his connections into the fold to also watch. It's a relief to find a woman of such intellect and PATIENCE to be willing to educate about this horror...FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AND PATIENCE IS RARE AMONG SUCH BRILLIANT PEOPLE
Wow is right. Good skills again.! This certainly looks like the structures that I am all to familiar with unfortunately!
Hi David... I love your work. I wanted to mention to you and all the academics/doctors etc. out there... They might check out iEEE organization for what these creepy electrical looking components actually are... that these evil globalists want in every human body... in order to track, trace and eventually cull/kill. iEEE is big time into cybernetics... crossing human and machine. WE ALL MUST LOOK AT iEEE for the ANSWERS ... before they kill us all. Here is a link to Wikipedia about them... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_Systems,_Man,_and_Cybernetics_Society
Please do not spam my comments.
Please see my e-mail to you.
Could this be anything to do with Reverse Engineering?
Its not just about crossing humans with machines.... There is a lot more to it... mostly in fact concerned with using us all to make money & constant revenue for those in power...
A lot of it is connected to voyeuristic sex & torture websites. Police , military & intel services are running these sites & the frequency towers that are controlling all the bio tech.
Cybernetics is NOT the main reason all this is going on, & Its NOT a new thing either... there is at least a 4 decade history behind this frequency bio tech connection.
Thank you Christina for your reply. Very sad what these globalist are doing. I wish someone would put them in jail.
Don't we all!
Will, could you please post your magnification levels and other relevant parameters (e.g., dark field, relevant slide preparation conditions, solutions added)?
I may have to post a note with some descriptions of all that. Most of these images will have been between 200-400x w/ some digital zoom used. I used an improvised DF filter.
For slide prep I affixed the nasal swab stem to one end of the slide and saturated the head with the provided reagent. I then twisted the stem to roll the swab across the slide in a windshield wiper motion.
Thank you.
Wow is right. Anyone interested in more about what they're doing to us (and actually have been doing starting decades ago) check out "Psinergy" on Odyssey, Sabrina Wallace. Expect to have your mind blown about the level of knowledge and proof with patents and or print outs straight from the manufacturer's/government/university who have and are creating/testing etc.
You'll find the
"Wireless Body Area" Network 802.15.4 (can't remember all the different numbers)
How they're using light (think those "purple/uv street lights they so quickly put up all over the world during the curfews during lockdowns along with more cameras). They have ability to affect the brain with light.
ie: mice have been "injected" with something and if they put a uv light on the bottom of their cage near their paw, the mouse moves like it hurts. The scientists actually laugh like it's so cool to control something with their stupid evil science.
There's so much more about the exact details of what they're doing with our biofields, the cloud (borg), uv, emf, 5g, 6g, wifi can see us in our own homes, on and on and on.
They plan on using the electricity our bodies produce.
You can't make this stuff up. It's a mind jogger at first but we ALL NEED TO KNOW and anyone with science, math, biology etc training or skills could help how to fight this massive evil plan to enslave all humanity.
Just found a piece of info makes sense re these people's frame of mind. Freemasons/Luciferians are taking cues from Mesopotamia/Babylon, they believe they're "gods" (small g) but want to be GOD. They believe humans should be their "slaves". Explains a ton.
Anyway please take a look at both:
"Psinergy" on Odyssey.
Sabrina Wallace will sometimes speak "salty" but she's pissed off about all these people who are and have been doing these jobs to enslave and harm others for years and haven't said a word to warn people.
Both these people work tirelessly to get these truths out that most people are afraid to even consider. Time is almost up and people better wake up and share share share.
She has PDFs she's made with all the references you can check for yourselves.
And "Antivaxxer420" on Rumble.
He posts her stuff and a ton of his own
They're both invaluable just as David Nixon and this gentleman is.
Thank you so much for bringing this all to light and not quitting.
God bless you.
If this gets out and becomes mainstream, they're going to start tearing down the infrastructure. They have already tore done 98% of the ULEZ camera's in the UK. The news stations in the EU stopped reporting on the cell towers after the 80th one was burned down. No infrastructure, no control.
Great comment..
Really enjoyed reading.
Sarah Wallace has a very peculiar personality - l watch her on Odyssey.
She appears a bit strange and weird to me. I still can't figure out when she's being serious, ironic, sarcastic, sincere or satirical.
But, l've come closer to realising that she knows what she's talking about.
And, I guess that's what matters most.
https://open.substack.com/pub/harryr/p/the-greatest-hoax-of-all-time?r=8svkn&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post You might be interested in reading this. Something to ponder. 🤔
Looks interesting. I'll have a look.
Not disputing anything seen under the microscope, I just came across that substack on the Freemasons satanic belief being based upon a hoax.
Couldn’t find anyone on Rumble with the name “Antivaxxer420”.
Are you sure of the site and poster name? Thanks.
It's actually nonvaxxer420 I believe.
Yes thanks Will. I just saw her email. My memory!!@!@
So sorry about that, my memory. The correct accountbis: nonvaxer420. He's a guy from Canada. He's been on top of everything last few years as well. Let me know if any problem but this is correct name now.
yup. We're all being chip'd up. That is the sober reality of the situation (Including in our face skin).
Thankfully I’ve never had one of these tests done. I knew better! I don’t trust known liars! But I also know no one escapes this bull shit. They’ve contaminated us all. And have been via geoengineering.. aka.. chemtrails.
Again, Bastards! 🤬
Yes. We watched our skies literally pristine blue being crossed hatched like a checkerboard yesterday, then the trails dispersed into a foggy spread over us, grayish in color spreading out like a blanket with no more blue sky. sickening IMO.
Very different crystalin inner structures… so neatly described by the scientific poet I see in you!
GeoengineeringWatch.com have taken samples from soils, snow, air and rain water. Spectrography analysis have shown all were contaminated with +1,500 aluminium above level of toxicity, +300 strontium and other rare minerals that shouldn't be there. I’m eager to see what else you’ll find. :)
Late Ukichiro Nakaya was a Japanese physicist and science essayist has created the first exhaustive snowflakes hand drawn repertoire, while exiled on a distant island for his dissident views. Each nucleus seed, according to humidity and temperature, resulted in the many different snowflakes crystals structure. Some are among the rarest I’ve ever observed.
Inuits’ vocabulary commonly uses 28 words to describe snowflakes. Ten years ago, a cool crazy and passionate scientist has discovered a 29th with the help of his freezing room temp. microscope.
“Attach your wool cap with a metal wire!”, as we use to say here, and have a nice trip!
lucky ducks ! i'm jealous of your coldness. Down under we're just started official summer massive thunderstorms, over 44C's already eastern states, high winds, flooding and bushfire risk all at same time. We have one of those heavy-bellied water bomber planes parked here ready for action. I love the cold .
Yeah! Even ducks and most of the other birds flee and migrate down South. The rich elders, nicknamed the Snowbirds, land too in Florida from November to July.
Winter kills or freezes every eight kinds of bugs… for a while, before they take their revenge from April to September. So many of these hungry flesh eating and blood suckers.
Do not envy our today’s -17° C and its wind factor at -27° C! Winter is just beginning. But, at least, when it gets warmer (i.e. somewhere between March and June) we’re able to peel off our multilayered winter clothes while you can’t remove the bare minimum. :)
Canada had its usual summer forest fires (18 millions hectares of forests burnt in 2023), although this year they had unusual geometrical patterns and intensity. Québec Province had its 14 Canso water bombers working full time, planning to acquire a few more next year. I suspect they are and will be burning the forests for either a land grab operation, as they did in Alberta, or to prevent people from hiding there.
Anyway, according to climate change warming, we should soon be growing pineapples in Nunavut… I hate the cold!
Hi Danyele...love all the nature stuff you know !...I think I've been at -12degrees as the lowest I've gone...in the Mojave desert of US winter. That'd be a heatwave in your temps.
Yeah I watched aerial footage of those deliberately set-off forest fires right across Canada....Shocking ! I can't stand to see our nature brutalised too. Gotta go now...see you soon D and W
Good… moment of the day you read this!
Thank you! I’m just curious and read about many subjects.
You are correct, -10° C is a mild temperature for our winters. About five years ago, weather forecasts have added the crucial wind factor, which can considerably lower the temp. felt. It’s rainy today...
Whatever the climato-anxious and govts may say to pocket carbon taxes, northern forests have always burned at a great extent every summer. Dying dry trees due to insects infestations, lightenings, and the huge thick light green moss carpets (close to no bushes up North) become small firewood easily inflammable. Lots of much needed free fried food for birds and scavengers. :)
See you.
Lost for words on this ....fantastic horrors
enjoy the snow if you can. Would love to see if the snowflakes are still normal
iEEE is a group of mad scientists who engineered this crap found in human blood, drugs, food, water. They are big time into CYBERNETICS = Crossing humans with machines connectable to the internet = Human Cyborgs = for tracking, tracing, IDing, harvesting electricity from the human body = eventually for culling/killing. The Globalist want 90% of humanity dead by 2030. Research iEEE Cybernetics division. They are multifaceted... over 400,000 members and divisions.
Thanks a lot: I am presenting your work to the French people. on 4 different channels Bravo.
Utterly bewildered - and I am sure l am not the only one.
I wish the images were fake or CGI or something along those lines - but microscopes don't lie. They tell it like it is.
This is so wild and so far advanced that it may truly be a result of magic.
Evil genius.
How the hell do they do this?
Thanks Carol,
The information you shared is important and certainly worth noting.
Many of the 400,000 member club are probably unaware of just how nefarious their organisation really is!
So clear and expressive in its horror! To think those undoubtedly receivers are in our veins by now, what an idea these people have h ad. So outworldlish and evil and stunning ... I hate to admit, t hose photos are just beautiful.
Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Covid/19 Injections. Professor Pablo Campra. Almeria. Spain
Graphene Oxide in Moderna and Pfizer Covid/19 injections. Spectroscopic Analysis. Dr. Daniel Nagase
More Spectroscopic Analysis, of Covid/19 injections, coming from Argentina: graphene, aluminium, silicium, iron, bromine...
Thank you sir, for making a brave stand for humanity- I wrote an encyclopedia for us, I especially recommend Dominique Guillet: https://open.substack.com/pub/telestai/p/approaching-truth?r=10r0gt&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
So these angular self assemble structures in our blood looks like computer fragments, as called Internet of things...right? Actually Shiitt!
In particular, the structure that looks like a submarine is very similar to one of the structures that was found by Austrian and German doctors and pathologists in the C19 "vaccines". They presented their results to the public at a press conference in September 2021 under the name Pathology Conference.
Awesome images... wait, you have a sample of c19?
Thank you Len. C19 test kit. I'd been adding the reagent to the nasal swab and observing the results after I rolled the swab on a slide.
OMG..."Insidious Elegance" is the best description of what is being found yet read or heard. As long as there's an equal level of repugnance...Fascination is fine. Constantly fascinated by what you fine folks are discovering...And, utterly revolted; emotionally, at the 'Existinction Level Threat' to all organic structures, mediums for support of organic life and beings.
Been watching Sabrina Wallace; intellectual brilliance unsurpassed in this domaine encompassing many disciplines. She's made the sciences united in this 'Extinction Level Event' very clear for so many and more are finding her Outlet. My son was an engineer and did much research in this area before quitting 10 years ago. He's long warned about what the Godless were attempting; but felt the general public wouldn't comprehend the overwhelming threat. He now watches Sabrina and has brought all his connections into the fold to also watch. It's a relief to find a woman of such intellect and PATIENCE to be willing to educate about this horror...FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AND PATIENCE IS RARE AMONG SUCH BRILLIANT PEOPLE