I was genuinely shocked to find all this had developed on my test kit slide since I observed it a little over a week ago. These are some of the most substantial structures I've ever personally observed. I genuinely marvel at their insidious elegance. What in the hell is really going on here?? Maybe I should have incinerated this slide back when I had a mind to. Now I’m not sure I can bring myself to do it…
These are without a doubt the closest parallels to the findings of David Nixon I've found. Without his work I would never have begun seeking these answers for myself. The world will owe him and the others that first spoke out a tremendous debt, I'm certain. This is not just fucking salt, and shame on those who knowingly try to convince us otherwise.
Gonna be a double-feature week. I'll be out of town over the weekend & I was a little too excited about these findings to sit on them. 💡 Come to think of it, I should probably grab some snow-melt samples while I'm in Alaska.
Until next time,
Wow is right. Good skills again.! This certainly looks like the structures that I am all to familiar with unfortunately!
Will, could you please post your magnification levels and other relevant parameters (e.g., dark field, relevant slide preparation conditions, solutions added)?