Thank you so much for your beautiful and terrifying work.

I have had Morgellons for a long time and have seen the organizational aspects of the biosyn organisms that I don't need a microscope to see. They definitely organize themselves in patterns you see in your scoping. Especially the circular organization and the kind of spine with ribs types. Both types (I have even more varieties) are highly precise in their spacing and placement for functionality, I'm sure, but also, I think, for communications or transferences of frequencies or electricity. Something unseeable in a form that is imperative to their survival. They must communicate or transfer between one another or they "die" which is actually more like degrade. I can "kill" them off by removal of enough organisms to break their chain of communications/energy transfers. If we can ever figure out how to short circuit them, maybe we can kill them. IDK.

I do know they communicate with one another over distances as well.

They keep reminding me of zombie movies like CELL or I AM LEGEND where the creatures gather together in patterns of lines and circles to transfer energy or fuel up.

Where does the fueling energy come from? 5-6 G waves? EMF? Our own bodies' energy? Perhaps all of the above. I am drained of energy on the regular so I'm fairly sure they are using my energy as at least one source.

Anyway, just thought I'd add this if it means anything to anyone. Thanks again.

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The white protrusions remind me of antenna on a cell tower 🤔

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I was thinking the same thing!

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Too true .......methinks !

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8 billion on the planet going to a dentist to get the Mark of the beast...RR

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Where are all of the whistleblowers that develop this stuff? Does their short-term greed override their longer-term survival instinct?

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Interesting builds thanks, I've written here on substack about the findings a group of us now know to be true and this subject is meltology. That the mountains and rocks weren't this way originally, they have changed form and were once brick structure. Buildings. This realm was once a giant circuit board that has melted down and changed form into what we see today. The bricks were conductors of energy. When I see your images it makes me think of the starforts and the original form of this realm before the meltdown occured. Looks like this realm wants to build itself back starting in our own bodies ......very very creepy.

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Very interesting. I think you said this was Orabloc brand of DA last time, is that still what we are looking at here? Have you sampled other DA? Articaine? Are there still safe DA options out there?

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Thank you. That's correct. I've personally observed Orabloc, citanset, and lignospan. However David Nixon and others within his group of researches have examined countless others from various manufacturers & distributors around the globe. His assessment seems to be that none have been free of contaminants. I always try to signpost people with further questions in his direction as his research is far more extensive than my own.

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Is there a common ingedient shared by all of those varieties? If a common factor can be identified, it may lead to the primary source, and potentially to non-contaminated alternatives that don't contain the common factor.

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I don't get it... kidding. It's the future of microprocessors to facilitate super artificial intelligence (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠).

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Beautiful diabolical images, Will! So happy you posted them!

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Thank you, FWW! I updated the post with a final video that's pretty neat. Check it out.

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I have an inexpensive microscope but did find this device in dental antiseptic!


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Excellent! It all contributes to creating a footprint of image data. I always say, we need more people looking & sharing. Please keep at it & thank you.

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Hi Will!

I’ve sent an e-mail to WillT.Z…

Have you received it?


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Hi Danyele. I've asked KK to pass along my email to you. I'm not sure you have the correct one.

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Obviously, she has not… Not surprising I haven’t received any reply to my e-mails…

I’ll send back the last one. XX

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I only asked her to pass it along today at the meeting. She's hasn't had a chance to contact you yet. But I did see you email & sent a reply. Take care!

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Thank you! Ditto!

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The most Doctors are very arrogant,and dont want that anybody than themselves decide somthing in their treatment.What doe you folks doe?

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What are you people doing when you have to visit a dentist???And when the dentist dont agree to such things like you make the anestesia warm or doe somthig with magnets on it in his Praxis?

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Hello Will, these images look so good on big screen ! I had an inspiration from some of your stunning imagery, the ones that look like an "X" or "CROSS" i suggest taking a paper copy of the image then cut along north south west and east directions along the same edges of the image and then fold those flaps up to make a box/ 3D image - kind of origami like - and then see what the image appears to be looking straight down in to this box. All four points joined up like this would show you a complete image of something - as it appears to be now - is like looking directly down in to the top of a beautiful flower (such as a tiger lily) and you have the four petals and the stamens so accurately showing as it is, it'd be fun to do this and see how it looks. Danyele is all over origami representing itself in other aspects of ribbon-like fibres folding over on top of itself as well. You never know what we may see! KK

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I wonder if they give off mac addresses once injected into the host?

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