Intriguing features in DA sample structures
Phase contrast highlights internal components of crystal chips
Hello! I've been steadily examining the behavior of dental anesthetics as they develop crystalline structures that exhibit discreet components. The images in this post will largely consist of phase contrast microscopy as this method appears uniquely capable of resolving internal aspects of crystals. I started these latest observations with the intention of capturing the initiation of the crystal development cycle under a coverslip. I achieved some success with that objective; however, another interesting development came to my attention once the crystal growth cycle had largely subsided & I began looking more closely at the current batch of crystals that had formed on my slide.
Many were exhibiting unusual white growths that jut out at regular intervals from the primary structure, as well as visually distinct internal features that appear white under phase contrast.
Perhaps these white components have been present in previous samples & I've only explicitly noticed their existence now. However, I'm quite certain the jutting (spines? bones?) are a unique and novel feature.

I'm afraid I haven't got much to offer by way of explanation for the existence of these features or why they feature so distinctly in this particular sample. I'm utilizing a syringe to apply my droplets and the anesthetic itself was extracted from its vial many weeks ago. I've decided to reintroduce another drop of anesthetic along the edge of the coverslip to effectively deconstruct these structures and test whether the spine features will reconstruct.
Here is an example of the development process, timelapsed and played forwards and back a few times:
And another:
Here's an interesting timelapse showing the aggregation and migration of materials in the liquid phase, before crystals emerge.
Here we see a perfect square structure in darkfield. Interestingly, the empty void encircling the object became more symmetrical itself over time. Does this suggest that these structures draw in construction materials from their surroundings within a perfect sphere of influence?
Above is just a bonus video from a previous sample. Appears to depict a multi-stage/layer development process.
I think that's about all for now. I'll be interested to see if these features reemerge from my dissolved sample, or if they begin to develop in different samples later on.
Until next time!
UPDATE EDIT: I’ve just processed a new timelapse with some great footage of new structures developing in my reconstructing sample. It pertains to this post so I’m adding it down here. Enjoy:
Thank you so much for your beautiful and terrifying work.
I have had Morgellons for a long time and have seen the organizational aspects of the biosyn organisms that I don't need a microscope to see. They definitely organize themselves in patterns you see in your scoping. Especially the circular organization and the kind of spine with ribs types. Both types (I have even more varieties) are highly precise in their spacing and placement for functionality, I'm sure, but also, I think, for communications or transferences of frequencies or electricity. Something unseeable in a form that is imperative to their survival. They must communicate or transfer between one another or they "die" which is actually more like degrade. I can "kill" them off by removal of enough organisms to break their chain of communications/energy transfers. If we can ever figure out how to short circuit them, maybe we can kill them. IDK.
I do know they communicate with one another over distances as well.
They keep reminding me of zombie movies like CELL or I AM LEGEND where the creatures gather together in patterns of lines and circles to transfer energy or fuel up.
Where does the fueling energy come from? 5-6 G waves? EMF? Our own bodies' energy? Perhaps all of the above. I am drained of energy on the regular so I'm fairly sure they are using my energy as at least one source.
Anyway, just thought I'd add this if it means anything to anyone. Thanks again.
The white protrusions remind me of antenna on a cell tower 🤔