Same here in Midwest USA. Maddening. People are mostly oblivious. Its super obvious when microwaves or some frequency is disseminating it in patters all over the sky. Mist people around me still say it's just clouds. I will start taking pictures. This year has been a massive acceleration.

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I have soo many pics, I am sick of seeing the XXs and garb. I believe that after 2 or 3 days..it rains a heavy downpour. & sporadic. Yet no summer storms, preceding. No heat lightning, or true summer storms, Not ever, before, as I remember.

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Absolutely! Today in Southern Ontario we're under an apocalyptic grey haze out and clearly modification of atmoshoere is being conducted. A different style to the pics shown but we see those all the time too!

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I'm to the south of you in Pennsylvania and the same: white, silver, grayish and completely overvcast skies with a haze-like finish. Toxins. These are the days that I feel my worst. I also see the effects on my sweet chickens, poor things.

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oh yeah it feels so surreal and unnatural. the worst. Not sure if it's just my senses overreacting but I also feel like a deep low tone pulsing in my ears/head. I suffer from tinitus (ear ringing tho too) so it might be that but seems different. Hate it.

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Me too same - tinnitus. not really a problem in the past, only after loud volume at outdoor music fest/movie theatre. But yes, constant now and am grateful for any other noise so I can't hear "it". Like the classic white noise static from TV when its gone off signal. Had a new experience just awhile ago, didn't realise I left mobile (off) in bedroom. Already buzzing with the tinnitus as I picked it up and turned it on about 20 " from my head - a huge sound warp rang out of my ears - like you get at sound stage events - the high-pitched screech of "playback". Horrible ! first time that's happened. That was the signal turning on the phone + straight through my head ! tells me we are already receivers too.

Hello Will, yes your video shows the almost everyday stuff here, down under. You are right about nobody looking up. I have ppl staring at "me" as I hang out of car filming. They still don't look up though! I've been a watcher of the skies/clouds since a child, personal fascination - turned to horror show , nowadays. I swear at the pilots. No apologies.

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I live in Québec and I took a lot of pictures. It’ saddening that so few are aware this is a major threat to our health and that of their children.

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Try & take pics.. We all know what normal clouds look like. Don't forget..

Only three cloud types-defined since 1861

Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus.

No XX or lines,

see a bit more @ geoengineering.org

Js, We all see this, yet few notice this ANOMALIE. Currently live 20mins from Winsor Tunnel in the mitten, MI.

God Bless

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I do agree, our skies are definitively being invaded by chemtrails generating weird clouds veiling the blue and spreading their poisons. Government denial is outrageous and they keep saying it is water vapours…

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OMG, I coined these formations, as "kitty's ribs" 3-23. " My daughter's LMAO, Mom STOP"...

If you look at the delicate intricate shapes of these formations. My first thought was of a baby kitten's ribcage.. I called em," kitty's rib" clouds. I have lots of these pics. Becuz, they're NOT normal cloud formations. And, HOW does NO ONE else notice this?

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How does NO ONE else, NOT notice this.

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Feeling a bit validated. The Kitty Ribs ... cloud formations.

ANYONE have a better nomenclature for the odd , delicately formed sky shapes?

I am NOT a cat person, so I never liked Kitty Ribs Clouds-term

Opened for any new suggestions- ??

we need to develop a new nomenclature.

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NYC got worse in the last several years. The sky turns from blue and clear to gray and hazy from these trails. No one cares. It's condensation to them. Dumb.

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