Of course I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it's gorgeous. Your microscopy is stellar.

I'm assuming nano is in everything and going from there. I have been dealing with Morgellons/CDB for twenty years and do know they rely on connections between themselves to survive.

I hope someday we can discover how to "cut their phone lines".

Glad you're back. I so enjoyed the videos. Sorry if that sounds insensitive to some, I can't help but appreciate the beauty as well as recoil from the horror.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Will

So, I should ignore the colours as that's from added stains.

Lots of bubbles - is that a good thing in an anaesthetic.

Formation of the largest square crystal was concerning. The small square crystals not reassuring either.

Very good photography and attractive if it was just a lava lamp and not in the blood.

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Yes. Colors are the result of staining. The actual anesthetic is clear. The bubbles and more specifically, the way in which the bubbles churn and mix together has been the focus of study for David Nixon and Karl C. (ManAgainstTheMicrobes). Highly recommend consulting their stacks for the dirty details.

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Jun 20Liked by Will

Truly spectacular way to make a come back to posting Will ! I've spent hours looking at your extraordinary captures on the big screen - will need to watch more. Feel like I have been to an underwater version of Cirque Du Soleil themed "Bubbles".

Video 6 : "how the universe was created, backwards"

Last Video : "when tornados and waves -- mate"

Next level capture Will, I think that's a mic drop🧐 KK

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Always look forward to your interpretations, KK! 😃

Thanks for all your contributions. I wish I had better answers for everyone concerned about what this may mean for themselves and their kin, but unfortunately that's just well beyond my scope. We'll just have to keep presenting what we're finding and work towards the momentum that will attract specialists from all fields to pitch in and generate solutions.

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Jun 21Liked by Will

I couldn't agree more Will, and your sentiment is a shared one, while "we " are at a loss as to how to solve for this menace, we would never even stand a chance if we didn't answer the call to action - to support the ones who can, and be the ones who'll lay the foundations of success. Case in point, just look at the incredible body of evidence you have just laid before us all !!! We would be lost without this brother, so very proud of your efforts in raising the bar and jumping even higher with your work. You have inspired us all to do the same ! xx KK

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Hi Will,

Thanks for making this available and allowing comments without a paywall.

As an anesthesiologist with critical care subspecialty, which anestheic is this? Thank you.

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Hello. It's called orabloc, and it's one of a number of anesthetics that the likes of David Nixon have observed to exhibit the same basic behaviors. I always try to recommend his stack to those who have further inquiries on these matters.

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Hi will Ultracain was the anestetic we tested 2014 had Nothing strange but 2024 was loaded with Nano teck objects... Stange anttenae arrays and pyramids with two pointsand smart city blueprints Location Spain. RR

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Thank you, yes, I saw the name of the anesthetic in a thread comment. I am looking into it, and will reply to you tomorrow morning. God bless your work!

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👆This is what everyone’s looking at under microscopes

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I tested a couple of different kinds.

The first thing that jumped to my attention was a hydra vulgaris.

Then I also have the micro 🫧 bubble shows happening.

Also the crystallography expression is very unique making long rods that look like fiber optic fibers.

I didn’t spend much time studying the vials after that.

Seeing the hydra was a first for me personally.

The anesthetics do give some exciting footage.

And of course I found the damn Hewlett-Packard bio chips in the lidocaine.

I can find them in blood and saliva as well

Here’s what they are


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Here is a podcast I made on the topic of the dental anesthesia:


And one on blue tooth signals we can find coming out of people:


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Nice microscopy

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Please see our article and list of ingredients here:


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Jun 19Liked by Will

Holy Guacamole Will! Really outstanding microscopic analysis. It is as if we are looking at Dali paintings but in 3D, which is true to form - i.e., science fiction is now science reality. My one question to you or anyone else reading this: What anesthetic is free from these diabolical nano syn-bio self-assembling life forms? Keep up the great work Will!

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You know these bubbling pictures remind me of what I see in a fermentation process in brewing! Just saying. They are beautifully done videos.

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Violent intent, beautifully captured.

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Superlative and stunning masterpieces of art Will. They will take some beating. Thanks, matt

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You're far too kind, Sir. I just learned from the best. 🫡

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Ah so I can post, just not on my phone.

Spectacular ! Do we actually have any idea what's happening here ? Are we in hydrogel territory ?

I showed a dentist David's 2 minute show-reel and he said "why wouldn't you want that in you ?"

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I am like the several others in here about to have to have my first oral surgery ever, and of course it’s now—in the age of AI nanotech in literally everything ://…. *IS* there a dental anesthetic brand that has NOT shown these abnormalities of late??? 🙏🏼

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Hylichrism essential oil was used by a pt. of mine for her oral surgery that took over an hour. Dentist made her sign release form injury papers. So she said she liberally put it all over the surgical area and had no pain. She only had the Dentist stop once to reapply the oil during the surgery.

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Hmm...I use essential oils and will look into this.

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Been using ES and drinking it for about the last 7 yrs because of the chemtrails.ES have a very high frequency.Fav way is with a quarter shot of brandy-)

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John, sorry- what is “ES” ?

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His website to chemtrails.es leads to a site that I translated to English. It says,

"No, it's not water vapor."

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Haha,I know,essential oils

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Is it spelled: Helichrysum is a healing and restorative powerhouse. It soothes inflammation, while also reducing pain with its built-in analgesic properties. It is a multifaceted aid in acute trauma conditions as well as a daily tonic to keep skin healthy.

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A teaspoon of fresh organic clove powder in your mouth for 1 minute, you will not feel much. Lol.

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I have 10 vials of anesthetic that I’ve looked at and the newer ones look like Wills, but the outdated ones do not! There expiration dates are 2023 or older! You might ask your dentist or call them all in your area to see if they have outdated vials. It’s worth a try!!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Max, thank you so much for the info and suggestion !! It all helps…I’m hoping something will come through for me! Any particular brand and dental anesthetic names with specific xx/2023 expiry dates??🙏🏼 😬💚

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Let me go home and check the names and I will get back to you tomorrow!

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You are an amazing human—Thank you!!! 😍😍😍

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I’m working on this this weekend. Had to redo all my files. In the meantime I found these interesting structures in the newer anesthetic. http://photos.adezignmerch.com/4-16-24/Ligno%203%20structure.jpg

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Hi, apparently the only Anesthetic that is safe now is Levo. This is the shortened version of the name. I don’t know how to spell the full name.

Dr Diane kazer @ DianeKazer.com is fully researched on all things dental and nanotech in dental anaesthetics etc. Her Rumble channel is “Cleanse Heal Ignite Radio”

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Levobupivacaine,on the other hand I'm sceptical about that so would be nice if it was tested under a scope

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Thank you for the correction John. My references come from Diane kazer who works with a team. It’s my understanding that they have been testing and levo was the one that is clean. Of course everyone should do their own research. Another source of information to confirm would be great. 👍

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No there hasn't been so far Brandy.

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Without doing any research on it, I would surmise that somehow the activity of the bubbling process somehow interferes with the depolarization of the nerve cells so that they cannot activate. No idea why square shaped lines would appear like that however. Can you expose the sample to a small electrical current while filming? Just put some micro thin wires on the slide under the cover hooked up to a small battery. Might be interesting

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Where can anesthetic be shipped to, if able to obtain vials?

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What can we do? My husband needs work on an infected tooth that has bothered him for quite awhile and has not responded to any natural treatments for relief. I am afraid to show him this because I don't have an alternative to offer and he needs that tooth fixed.

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A Chlorine dioxide (CDS, MMS) protocol should quickly take care of his infection, then allowing his body to heal the rest of the tooth/mouth! That’s easily what I would do if I could, but I just fractured a tooth up to the root requiring oral surgery, which obviously will require a dental anesthetic. I do wish there was a way to find out the name of one that’s been tested under the scope recently, so I could request that brand when I go for my procedure.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 22

I had an extraction for a second molar which fractured into the root 7 months ago. It was done under local anesthetic. I don't recall which preparation was used. As far as I know, I have experienced no untoward effects. One option might be to allow an inhalant anesthetic to be administered instead of a local injection. Some oral surgeons use that approach. Others, use IV sedation which of course has the same problem as the local injection (theoretically they are all adulterated).

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Ypu might want to see if you have acquired a MAC address on your phone. Turn on your Bluetooth and take a look!

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Or get the work done then go get Vitamin C chelation iv and edta chelation iv. Holistic dr. will do or look it up in your area. See Dr Ana Mihalcea posts.

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I would research Dr Andreas Kalcker's CDS to quiet that infection down.

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Get an acupuncture treatment then go

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Find an acupuncturist-get the treatment -go to the dentist. Heard a dentist in Oz say he has had two patients arrive like this - one had tooth extraction- no problem -AND he said what was remarkable was how well the patient recovered post extraction

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Dr Ana says do EDTA chelation after going to the dentist,Do not buy masterpiece,https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/06/n-a-n-o-t-e-r-r-o-r-vax-smart-dust-depop-dr-ana-mihalcea/

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Do NOT buy Masterpeice? Why is that?

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Dioxi-Care dental products are excellent.. all based on Chlorine Dioxide.. as they come in 2 bottles that you mix prior to use. The founder was working with CDS already in the 60's! I use those plus a daily spray of Hydrochlorous Acid. It has eliminated every mouth concern, even destroying infection in my 'dental war veteran' mouth. (Ground teeth to powder in my youth, and lost many over time.) I thank God for these inexpensive products, as currently I hesitate to see a dentist and take chances with tainted anesthesia.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Ask for 'gas' instead. Make sure the dentist you pick provides that option.

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Would be of interest knowing of findings from outside western facing Countries > would it be possible to get samples from Asia, Russia, South America, etc?

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Just to repeat—ask your dentist for anesthetic with expiration dates 2023 or older. Hope that helps

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I have been talking about this in my podcast and people have been poo-pooing the idea. Thank you for the evidence. Here is the podcast link:


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