It’s been a very long time. I have much to say and share, but for now let me start by issuing a sincere apology to any who have supported & anticipated my continued research and posts here on Substack. While I have not been idle, I have been maintaining a steady stream of observations and cataloging of microscopy samples; it may take me a while to organize and share my backlog. I do want to get back to posting, so please enjoy these videos with my enthusiastic gratitude to all who have shared, supported, supplied and studied these findings.
What you’re seeing in these videos are samples of a particular dental anesthetic that myself and a few fellow micronauts had the opportunity to observe. Special shout outs go to FreedomWarriorWoman and her Un-hackable Animal’s Substack, as well as the usual thanks for the continuous efforts of David Nixon, Karl C., Seth, Andrew and many others.
I’m a bit pinched for time, so I think I’ll try and let the videos speak for themselves. Just know that they are all of the same vial of anesthetic, with various stains applied and subsequent reapplications of anesthetic to dissolve and reform crystals. Please enjoy, and it’s good to be posting again.
Thats all for now!
Of course I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it's gorgeous. Your microscopy is stellar.
I'm assuming nano is in everything and going from there. I have been dealing with Morgellons/CDB for twenty years and do know they rely on connections between themselves to survive.
I hope someday we can discover how to "cut their phone lines".
Glad you're back. I so enjoyed the videos. Sorry if that sounds insensitive to some, I can't help but appreciate the beauty as well as recoil from the horror.
So, I should ignore the colours as that's from added stains.
Lots of bubbles - is that a good thing in an anaesthetic.
Formation of the largest square crystal was concerning. The small square crystals not reassuring either.
Very good photography and attractive if it was just a lava lamp and not in the blood.