These's a lot of old information on these things when you search for Morgellons.

The fibers for example are a classic Morgellons observation.

It's engineered biotechnology, cyborg life forms. It looks like life, but it isn't organic, because it can survive without food and water, like when you let it dry out and it came back to life from a droplet.

They come from the sky, from chemtrails, dumped by airplanes by our corrupted militaries that work for the globalist transhumanism agenda.

The goal of that agenda is to infiltrate all biology, in all likelihood to build a synthetic biology interface between biology and technology.

In simple words, to control people remotely with cell towers and Internet of Things devices (IoT).

They want an Internet of Bodies (IoB) and I think what we're looking at, is the result of that.

Clifford Carnicom has a lot and well done science on the subject of Morgellons and the little spheres which he calls cross-domain bacteria on carnicominstitute.org.

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Hi Will I hope you are healing…and that you didn’t catch up any of these critters. Once again incredible vision you’ve captured, thank you for giving us so much footage too. I confess I am mesmerised by this invisible world we never see otherwise.

I will be re-looking at all of it much more. There’s just so much going on in there. Is this just snowmelt..not any other agent?

Haven’t seen these egg-like entities before, they don’t move, hardly at all. I can’t see any flagellum like Danyele has - except a couple of times when 1 or 2 of them suddenly do move off at speed. Most seem translucent and small percent have dots inside. I like how you take us down under the surface activity to see what’s going on deeper down. What are the bigger blobs down there?

Deffinitely these tiny moving light-flashers are not dots or orbs. ( as in other samples we feel are nanobots) I’ve looked at them a dozen times over at different speeds and they deffinitely are miniature shrimp like bodies!! They speed even at slowest setting below normal. Constantly bashing into one another…and you can see are like teeny crayfish critters. ( Sorry Danyele..no spiderlings)

And these critters are different from your last post too. I also see in vid 3 - string-like worms? In a few places. The way it looks is the flashing shrimps are herding the eggs, and at times are provoking the still eggs by racing into them suddenly, and the egg takes off away at speed. So bizarre.

I don’t think we are dealing with nanos here - seems very organic insect-like critters?? So the eggs seem to just drift and it’s the rapid non-stop F1 race car flashers propelling their herd to congregate along those fibres? What an incredible find in any case. I am addicted, well and truly.

The last image gold chain..looks like a dna strand !!

Back for more later….ciao kk

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Hi Will!

Wow! Nice catch! And I’m not talking about your cold. :)

First video

At 0:58, there is a small and reversed ghost filament. It would be interesting to watch its growth, if you kept this slide. However, what has frightened me the most was the four legged virus-diode-like connecting to the fibre, at 0:41. Beurk! What is it, a new filament growing?

Second video, center.

The stalk-like origami segmented folds ribbons might attract the oval egg-organisms. Oval shaped structures are a first among the multitude of pictures taken by microscopists so far. Congrats! These could well be snow living extremophiles for they seem to either bear ultra rapid moving extremities (shrimp like locomotion or organelles?), or they are frantically attacked by QDs as food/energy source.

Third video center left

Same origami style filaments with a baboon smiling face, at 0:21. If you do not start this video, you can see him, his mouth open, drooling. :)

Last picture

When I saw the freaky one, I told to myself that it was an unusual spun fibre or a byzantine gold chain… then, I saw the title and smiled.

The mixed stages of the round objects is very intriguing: dot circles, split circles, twisted ribbon circles, two and three square rectangles, 3D truncated pyramid, rectangle trio amalgamated with a central circle and purple square crystals. What is the stain used? Do you have subsequent images, for they may split afterwards just like those of the before last pict.?

Sometimes I wish I had a microscope but, I know I couldn't help spending all my time examining slides…

Thank you for exposing these beauties to light.

Warm regards.

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Well Done as usual Danyele. You're given me plenty to think about and look into(extremophiles will be an excellent research springboard I can already tell). I'll be back once I have a little time to address the points and observations you've made. Thank you!

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Ok, let's do this.

1. About the ghost filaments: in my observations, once a sample has dried out for the first time, whatever ghost filaments are contained within will essentially collapse like a house of cards. I've attempted to rehydrate samples, but the ghost filaments just become pulp that get dispersed throughout the sample. What's interesting to consider is whether that pulp is somehow capable of restructuring and producing whole new filaments? My hypothesis is that ghost filaments may require proper time in liquid to fully form.

2. Interesting ideas concering the eggs and ribbons and potential food source for QDs. Don't think I'd considered that there could be some conflict over space and resources between nature and the tech, but it makes sense.

3. Not sure I see the baboon, but if you say he's there, I believe it!

4. The only stain I used in these examples is Eosin Y, and I only used it in the 3rd video which gave it a reddish tint. The green images were done using a lens filter. Everything else was done without stains or filters.

Thank you for your insight and questions. Talk to you soon!

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Will, such insightful images, but I have to say - I love your commentary.

Such eloquent elucidation of the whimsical befuddlement these observations manifest in our consciousness - so much more contextual than . . WTF !

And so relateable - I resonated with relieved laughter at the same confrontation of 'blowing my nose on a glass slide'. Good on you for being so real, and reminding us that reality can still be fun. Love your work.

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Thank you so much Mz! It's been said many times; but sometimes you really do need to laugh just to keep from crying.😂

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Hey Will, push the microbes aside for a bit, and have yourself a wonderful, fun and Happy Christmas !

Thank you for lighting up our curious minds ! KK

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So you went to Alaska and brought a thing. Hopefully not The Thing.

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The thought did cross my mind. But then I sneezed on a husky and felt much better. 🤷‍♂️

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Hello Will, I am just going over your videos again because I remembered that Tony M had done sample vid's of saliva, and he has captured very similar critters to yours here. I see that you already noted similar thoughts to this in his comments!

I have to say, your clarity achieved in these vid's is exceptional...so very clear that I can see more features of these tiny maniacs. I now see they do have like a spray of tentacles coming out from the bottom/tail end. They are quite elongated in their body. I'm still not convinced they are nano's, and look too organic. Tony describes them as nano critters...could be, but I say this because they are so plastic in their movements...and not stiffened forms. Also, many creatures have bioluminescence - that could explain their flashing. A Mystery...continues

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I don't know if you know this patent. It is very interesting and revealing:

Systems and Methods for writing and reading data stored in a polymer using nano-channels


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check this out: https//gregreese.substack.com/p/the-miraculous-nature-of-water

makes you think...I wonder if we wrote "snowman" in the snow and pictured it in our minds...would we come back later to find a snowman there?

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See my comment on Will’s Chat. :)

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