Welcome back Will ! I knew you were up to mischief.

You got me to begin with - your article's CIA mind control angle - is not so far fetched. We have seen some pretty weird entities staring back at us from samples. I'm not that familiar with phase contrast, is it essentially playing with how light refracts with the subject on slide? it does seem to show a lot more detail not usually known is even there.

Where did you find the little (unknown) creature ? in dust?....your sandwich?

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Thank You, KK! I'd been floundering for a while trying to decide where to go next with observations. I had a few ideas but couldn't decide what to commit to.

I certainly agree that it's best not to put anything beyond the scope of CIA covert/subversive measures. I guess I was making more of an inside joke with my commentary. An author on SS tried to claim that certain images presented by others in this field were in fact, CIA mind control paraphernalia. Their microscopy expert apparently had no knowledge of phase contrast.

The critter just kind of appeared on an old slide one day. I had been observing rain droplets as well as some rooftop sludge I'd collected. I'd guess he came from the sludge, but where I found him was the micro equivalent of a croos-country flight from that sludge droplet. So, as usual, I'm stumped.

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The very first thing I thought of was it reminded me of the crustaceans - Moreton bay bugs, only, the local variety here I find along the beach are called Horseshoe bay bugs - and they don't have the crayfish "tail" part only the body - in exactly the same shape and look of your critter. Difference in scale aside, I've already been enjoying trying to id yours. I'm sure it's early lifeform class of critters - and yeah, acquatic seeming for sure.

I'm glad you had a break from this, you're so creative and always surprise us. You got me good (tiredness) am an easy target. Thanks for broadening the "scope" of things -see you soon Will xxKK

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One flip to the left and the critter is, from the bottom left image, looking at you (horse head), just like Matt has written in his last post!

I do see repetitive faces and structures in many pictures from the Micronauts. One day I may find their reason for being in this huge microscopic puzzle.

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Are you referring to the image in matts post that was "staring back at you"? That one was a little creepy. I won't lie. Looked just like a little monster staring with beady eyes.

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Yes I was. Your horse, at higher exposition, is intriguing too…

I’ve seen monsters staring back at me all my life; socks, drawers, bed sheets and clothes. Not afraid of them anymore.

Surprised, but not frightened, I even met one of them who was being impersonated by a human! Long story of a traveller. :))))

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If you do find the reason, you better share with the rest of us.

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Look at what came out in this article. They are scrambling to get ahead of this getting out.


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Good skills Will!

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Interesting how an artist can be revealed by looking closely at what they have chosen for us to see. Nice work.

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1. What the hell are they ?

2. Have you got a cheap EMF meter ? What's the reading when held close to the light source ? I'm convinced my $500 scope is turning my red blood cells to rouleaux at 7 V/m. A $20k Olympus didn't show anything like the rouleaux I get with mine, and that was even just getting out of the car - major source of EMFs.

3. I am very jealous. How much was it ?

4. Very nice pics (begrudgingly !)

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1. Practice. I dusted off my old C-19 RAT slides and gave them another look under PC. I took images from one slide primarily (the oldest one), but a handful came from 1 or 2 other slides I'm also saving. Slides range from about 1-3 months old.

2. I'm afraid I haven't. I'm afraid I'm afraid to know exactly what levels might be present in my surroundings. But if you insist on knowing, I may just get over it and buy one.

3. Tree fiddy. If you or the person who sold it knew the cost alone of the objectives that came with my purchase, you might accuse me of predatory purchasing practices. At least I intend to put it to good use.

4. Thank you. (wholeheartedly!)

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I'm just using a $35 EMF meter. Actually tested pretty good against a $2k model.

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Wha ? That's about the same as my banger !!

Go Champ !!

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Hey Will! Watch this video:


Watch the face (top) at 0:03 and at the end:


See you later!

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Thank you for sharing these stunning images. My mind is blown. Has the pandemic tornado shifted us to OZ? Happy warrior was correct in pointing out the artistry. Science is often called an art after all!

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Always amazed, intrigued and concerned by your terrific pics

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Are you going into lead lighting?

They will make interesting lamps 😳

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Did I congratulate you on these snaps yet ?

Sodium Citrate for pain also ? In standard blood microscopy it's used as an anticoagulant. A Karl C correspondent reports alleviating lower back pain in 2 days.

Mechanism ? EMFs cause Rouleaux


By allowing the rbcs to move freely and transport Oxygen around the body and so to the painful areas ? 2 days in on 1/3 tsp dissolved in water a day and I would have to say so far I agree.

Yrs. Aff.,

Pain in the Neck.

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What type of samples are these images from? Urine? Can anyone suggest the best method for examining urine sediment? Gravity settling or centrifugation?

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Covered or not covered. That is the question.

Very neat polarized images. I very much like the beige 3D melted wax effect in some of them.

The bonus critter might still be alive. Have you checked? Not the slightest idea on what it is…

Great acquisition, Will!

Thanks for sharing!

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Bonus critter is definitely a gonner. I've lost track of him, but I did attempt to rehydrate him and saw no signs of life. 😒

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He thought you were a cyclops, then you tried to drown him.....could be headed for the beach ! πŸ˜’

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Resuscitate! Not drown. We both agreed he looked aquatic! I can't be blamed for any attempts made to revive the little guy after he had apparently given up the ghost. Maybe you're right though, maybe he's on a tropical island somewhere. Living it up with Elvis and Epstein.

(Now there's a thought I wish had never come to me)

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I love the little feathers? he had or flagellum? a real little character ! your pictures showed so much detail, I'll keep looking for him to (id).....

It's interesting when you think of just how he got where he was found. A million possibilities. He could be on the roof again !

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Has its body flattened when rehydrated?

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No flattening as such. But I did capture some interesting footage of the reactions. The husk slowly absorbed the liquid through its hollow cavities, much like water through a straw.I may post that eventually, perhaps in a note on SS, (can't recall if videos can be posted there). If not, I'll see about adding it at the end of an upcoming post.

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Not covered us the answer. Just crystals "naturally" developing on an uncovered slide.

I like the effect of the PC too. I don't think I fully appreciated the appeal and effect until I was able to view it for myself. It really does give a nice representation of fine contours an details that standard microscope imaging can't pick up as well. Just another tool to add along with darkfield. Now let's see if I can get really fortunate and procure some DIC objectives. I think those the the most expensive of all though, so I'm in no rush.

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Hello Will!

I too liked to work with « raw » crystalline formations.

One day I will dig up some of my old microphotographs, all in moving boxes somewhere…

What about a Ko-fi fund raising or a direct e-transfert so you can « buy your objectives » ?

You may also provide the specifications and average cost for these expensive DIC objectives that you want. Subscribers’ Community or Micronauts could alert you if they find a real good deal. :)

I don’t know if you have copied the following link from last Zoom. The video at the end of the article was posted by a young man who presents, with very simple words and concepts, what are currently the major threats humanity is facing. It’s worth sharing with any unbelievers...


I wish you hours of pleasure with your new equipment!

Warm regards.

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All great funding suggestions Danyele !

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