Hello Will, I really like the way you presented this report - showing the source item studied.
The broken fibre activity was interesting, we don't see breaks in "them" normally. I wonder if they can re-stitch themselves? perhaps that was what the bots were arguing about !
Perhaps indeed! I speculated in an earlier post (about whether fibers can rupture) if these fibers might essentially serve as a dispersal method for whatever exactly it is they're so keen on dispersing. Could some remote activation method allow for controlled/synchronized release of a payload? Not the most pleasant theory, but one that has certain logistical plausibility to my mind.
Found this article, popped up in my search today. Reportedly, removed 2° to " contaminants ". Lol, no shit.
Not only, do they spie on all of your exchanges online( SStack included), everything you use, eat, apply to, or breathe in, has been hijacked and contains bio whe apons.
Yeah. There's been a number of these kinds of recalls over the past 2 months. I went into RA this evening and the whole eye drop counter was almost wiped out. Guess we know why.
Absolutely. I'll give it a shot and update here if anything noteworthy occurs. Thanks for the request.
Hello Will, I really like the way you presented this report - showing the source item studied.
The broken fibre activity was interesting, we don't see breaks in "them" normally. I wonder if they can re-stitch themselves? perhaps that was what the bots were arguing about !
Perhaps indeed! I speculated in an earlier post (about whether fibers can rupture) if these fibers might essentially serve as a dispersal method for whatever exactly it is they're so keen on dispersing. Could some remote activation method allow for controlled/synchronized release of a payload? Not the most pleasant theory, but one that has certain logistical plausibility to my mind.
You just joined the ranks of the (wannabe) pros with that work. Getting very refined there Will. Good work. Thanks.
Can you add a drop of blood to it? That's what Len Ber did to the dental anesthesia and the nanobots went into action.
Thank you
Extreme Danger. Graphene in the eyes: contact lenses, artificial lenses, smart lenses, retinal prostheses…
Trying to guess, but if you could confirm. RiteAid brand drops, or ??
Please let me know.
Good guess. Correct.
Found this article, popped up in my search today. Reportedly, removed 2° to " contaminants ". Lol, no shit.
Not only, do they spie on all of your exchanges online( SStack included), everything you use, eat, apply to, or breathe in, has been hijacked and contains bio whe apons.
Sickening x1000
Yeah. There's been a number of these kinds of recalls over the past 2 months. I went into RA this evening and the whole eye drop counter was almost wiped out. Guess we know why.
Great stuff