Consistently, through each of your works, there is a quality that is easy to see and feel, but hard to describe.

Same basic equipment, same basic subject matter, as is being observed by others, but yet, you seem to be able to find and reveal microscopically hidden dangers, in an beautifully elegant way.

If the intent is to kill us, expect us to find beauty in our last sunset. Until then, expect us to fight you as hard as we can so that those of us allied against you can share the beauty of the next day's sunrise.

Again, easy to see and feel, but hard to describe. Your work is beautiful.

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Jul 1Author

Very well put! Thank you so much. Who among us can confidently claim to understand what we're truly up against? There's always so much noise and confusion to cut through. Sometimes the best we can do is turn on the camera and let the pictures speak for themselves.

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Jul 1Liked by Will

Hello Will ! Am absolutely blown away brother ! You seem to have found the keys to the universe itself...physical keys and flung the door wide open for our eyes to see what they simply cannot contain, much less comprehend .

Once again, you've granted my wish to have another of your visual masterpieces with the added element of perfect sound effects.

My words fall so short, l was on a big screen earlier today and insist, ppl must see this creation as large as possible,.to be completely submersed in its majestic spectre. I actually saw a whole vision occur within your opening video, while it was completely consuming "me". I even wrote a short story of what I saw in there.

Nothing I could illustrate with words can even cast the shadow befitting the magnitude of impressiveness you have captured here, second only to the magic skill of the mind behind this lens.



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Jul 1Author

Flattery will get you everywhere KK! 😁

Only teasing. Thank you so much. It's amazing isn't it? What goes on in the unseen world. I often just sit and marvel at the notion that we as humans possess any capacity to understand, let alone manipulate processes taking place down on that level.

It's amazing to share these sights with others and get to experience their wonder and inspiration with them. I know what we're dealing with is sinister in nature, and I never intend to downplay the seriousness of the matters at hand. What I'm discovering throughout all this are the infinite complexities of our universe. It's quite literally fathomless! And yet here we all are, doing our best to fathom, prosper, and persevere in the face of such unknowable challenges.

P.S. glad you were inspired to write. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's brilliant. Who knows, maybe you'll share it someday?

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Jul 3Liked by Will

Thankyou Will, I couldn't up against your magnificent production and the seriousness of the samples testimony, it'd be an insult. So maybe only a sample...

Like you my creative mind saw me literally projected in to the sample. I could feel the bubbles pushing up behind me. Just like in a dream - I could both see myself in the sample itself and also viewing it at the same time...the fantastical journey from there on, involved hoardes of long-stemmed mushies and their little ones fleeing the encroaching synthetic cell bubbles swarming the location of this once proud crystal pyramid rapidly dissolving at their consuming attacks.

Many fleeing mushies were crushed in the stampede and fell on this dash to the mothership seen - swollen to capacity, the great mushroom reaches out desperately scooping up one last pup only moments before instantaneously propelling itself airborne and takes flight , narrowly missing being engulfed in a writhing sea of rabid synthetic cells. The earth fell silent..... (it got dark from here on )

If you have a good pair of eyes, you can clearly see this opening scene happen , for real, no imagination required. That's enough of where it went to - from there on, you saw this too..and i saw what i did...KK

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Will

Bonjour Will!

Beautiful! Glad you’re back with us to our great joy!

These crystals are destroyed by the bubbles, have you seen some grow from the anaesthetic later on or when it dries?

Are the colourful cross crystals in polarized light or just dyed?

Thank you for your perseverance, it pays!

Hugs & Love. XX

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Jul 1Author

And the crystal colors are from the crystal violet stain. No polarized light filters were used there.

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Thanks! This dye gives them excellent depths and textures.

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Jul 1Author

Thank you Danyele, and great to hear from you! I swear I'm not doing my disappearing acts for attention, but I'll take what I can get! 😅 hope you've been well.

1. Yes. Crystals will dissolve and reform when the liquid solution is reapplied. The result is usually a localized area (or field) of large crystals (typically 2-4 per droplet). These large crystal structures will appear to "form up" and refine over a long period of time before eventually degrading slowly. The smaller snowflake crystals do seem to emerge slowly after the liquid has dried.

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Jul 1Liked by Will

Your welcome!

Thought you were contracted to fiddle somewhere on the planet and that you couldn’t come back!

To me, it will always be the egg and hen dilemma. The crystals may be missing the substrate -blood or muscle- and conditions -98° C body temp., inner tissues pressure, essential potassium/salt nerves chemicals and electromagnetism or darkness?- in order to develop and integrate the way they were meant to. Anyway, you make them look fantastic!

Health as usual, thank you!

Have a great summer, my friend!

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Great Job Will! I had not thought to "perturbate" and that certainly adds to our understanding and so does the dyeing but both are also very cool...

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Wait, is this LIgnospan?

Like the play on the word. Thank you for this post.

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Jul 1Liked by Will

Another fascinating glimpse into the mysterious. I'm somewhat like-minded, with no technical template to guide my curiosity - the microscopic field is a place to explore almost playfully. Impressions, built up from diverse observations, trigger recognition of subtle patterns common within the diverse spectra of observed light emissions. This, for me, is the grounded experiential knowledge that grows my intuitional capacity to further the sense-making process. Yeah, it's slow, but it's solid.

I think that my fairly self-reliant upbringing contributed to my approach. Unstructured play-time.

And despite the insideous projections of consequence arising from all this biotech contamination it really is a powerful catalyst for curiosity and exploration of our broader reality. This article provided me with some clues to understanding chemical energy exchanges and colour/light emissions:


A bit of research broadens ones scope, but the stick poking is fun, eh.

Very nicely written post BTW. It inspired a thoughful comment.

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Need dental work, and terrified by this and others postings. Did Boxtox and regret now, knowing what I know... any idea of how to get dental done minus the pain without the anesthetics?

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In the first violet stain video, it looks as if a "alien" creature is growing inside of the biggest bubble which is absorbing he smaller bubbles. Actually looks like a specific structure is growing in the largest bubble, like a spine with ribs (tentacles?).

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I'm not "savvy" enough to figure out what the name of the anesthetic is just from the title. Can you drop another hint somewhere? I am sorting out which painkiller I can take in advance of oral surgery that I am desperately in need of. Help please?

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Jul 1Author

Sorry, Joy. The question as to which alternatives are best is one that is coming up a lot. Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to make any sort of referrals or recommendations in that area. I'm just a schlub who took an interest and bought a microscope. Perhaps I should issue a general disclaimer to that effect as I'd hate to get anyone's hopes up.

The best I can do is recommend David Nixons substack. He's dedicated himself to finding mitigation methods for the tech. It may be worth some time looking into his findings. Sadly, the sense I've gotten is that there really don't seem to be many "safe alternatives". However this stuff is getting into products, it seems like it's getting into just about everything...

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I am in consultation for some oral surgery and my surgeon agreed to use the ONE type I'd found that tested negative for the nanotech. It's called "Levobupivacaine." Later, he got back to me to announce that this particular anesthetic is NOT available for sale in the U.S.! Now we're searching for something else, and I'm just going to take care of my health as best I can for as long as it takes to find something/some way, to get the surgery without the nanotech. Seems Americans are "special" targets these days. Most of our food is ILLEGAL in other countries, and we're the only nation that has BANNED the type of dental injection that is lacking the nanotech. I hope I am not forced to leave the country for the surgery I need. That idea scares me. While I am out of country, America might (again) start requiring vaccination to get back in.

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A doc may be able to get the old procain compounded for a dentist if you have "allergies" to the others ;);). You may have better luck with that. get it looked at by someone.

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I have done that Matt. Procaine from a compounding pharmacy. It was not any better unfortunately. Still displayed the same complex chemistry and made the same crystals... Now up to 13 brands from 9 companies ... all similar but no two exactly the same....

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Yes. This is what scares me. I have been putting this off for 6 months, searching for an answer. MOST dentists/oral surgeons I have consulted with are unwilling to even DISCUSS what they're injecting into patients, let alone permit me to have any say about it. So I walk out the door and keep searching. As the time passes, I am doing what I can, red light therapy, positive diet/lifestyle changes, mediation/visualizing, etc. An old failed implant started reattaching to my gums, and I believe this was a result of these changes. Not sure how much more improvement I can get this way however.

It's a sticky widget;-) I'm going to remain patient, but continue trying to locate an ETHICAL oral surgeon. Surely they've become AWARE that many of their patients are having troubles after these poisoned injections they're using. I figure that at a minimum, I am educating each one I consult with. But right now, they all seem to believe their hands are tied in terms of what they are forced to inject, and they need to keep making money. So they just dismiss information/data/evidence and choose to remain WILLFULLY ignorant.

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I wonder what would happen if we planned 10,000 people to all ask their doctor or dentist on the same day the same question (say "why is there complex chemistry in the anaesthetic - there is concern that this might be a form of technology") what sort of reaction we would get...

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THANK YOU for this idea! If I could locate a medical doctor to work with the dentist and provide the compound that he "recommends" for me, this might work. Holistic MDs can obtain the compound and make the liquid for injection. I am going to see how this could work for me.


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Please, can yo advise me if there's any safe dental anaesthetic that has no covid Vax in it because have been delaying getting broken tooth extracted since won't hold filling for few years now, in fear of being injected after refusing vax during covid l should get it through this method. Since usual type has produced adverse reaction, l always ask for non adreline alternative at dentist. Is this a safe substitute to have administered, or another one?Would appreciate any help since it may be impossible to hold off with tooth pulled since back section has split away leaving only front though think root must've died off, already. Thanking yo, Julie Shepherd. Email: jewelley1967@gmail.com

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Its a different application of the technology but my best guess is nanoparticles that self assemble and then combine to make colloidal molecules which are programable (probably DNA) to make more complex molecules which crystalize in the right conditions. It seems to be wide spread in our environment and medications. I have also found similar stunning crystals in botox and other medications. and even rain water. Our focus now is on trying to render these medications safer. No luck so far. My advice. Drink reverse osmosis water. No processed food. Avoid refined carbs. Avoid canola oil. Consider acupuncture for pain relief - takes a bit of organising but can be very effective. Consider sodium citrate and activated charcoal. A recent paper suggested that 85% of people can cope with dental procedures with anaesthetic. Often is is the anxiety that goes with this rather than the pain - try CBD oil maybe. best wishes

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Wish I could help ! They gave me 1-2 injections about 2 years back, so I could have 4 crowns installed. I had a list of supposed contaminated dental anesthetics that I gave to my ignorant dentist, but he didn't care to even look at it!🤔😤

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it's so hard to have these discussions in what is basically a vacuum. La Quinta then Mateo Taylor flagged this as suspicious early last year and earlier. I did what I could to raise the awareness but the general dental profession has no exposure to this. Obviously. Still having said that they are assuming that their knowledge trumps yours which is a dangerous position to adopt

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