Been photographing environmental filaments. Here are some I found particularly peculiar. I've also noted some strange circumstances and possible reactions that may eventually prove relevant, but I'll need time to test them before I try claiming anything definitive. Some of these images may provide clues for inquisitive minds:
Well, what did you see? More to come soon. Hopefully.
Thanks koppy! I always appreciate a good 80's-90's movie tie-in. I still cant wrap my brain around the reasons we appear to be seeing the same basic features in the environment AND in the blood. Something just does not add up. But I think I'll leave that to the Big Brains to chew on. It's been a real learning experience just sitting in and picking up what I can. I'll keep observing and documenting. Who knows? Some of it may prove useful.
Awesome images and definitely helpful new information contained. You have upped the clarity and sharpness of your images while I have gone blurry.
Wondrous Willy Work Was Williams Wish huh.