
Male 40. Unjabbed. Handful of PCR swabs 2y ago (not the deep-nasal kind). Did get some footage as well that I've elected not to share, due to inconclusive causality of unexpected observations. In the interest of full candor, this blood has been mixed. So it doesn't reflect the appearance in its undiluted state. Thanks for the questions!

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Bloody good post Will, Getting better and better.

Like the no claims stuff too. Head em off at the pass bro.

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Yeah, whose ever blood that is has it GOOD. Everything from spike proteins to nano chips to UNKNOWN organisms. Be helpful to know if the person is vaccinated or unvaccinated sex and age. Check out neighbor, a nurse, unvaccinated no PCR test. Found almost the same stuff. BTW we are pretty sure it is ALIEN TECH and LIFEFORMS in the vaccine.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho5sYsc8btg

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